How to Make Soft Peppermint Candy - Candy Artisans (2024)

As a devoted Pokemon Go fan, I have always strived to enhance and improve my Pokemon’s abilities. That is why the introduction of XL Candy into the game was a significant milestone in my journey.

XL Candy is a valuable resource that allows trainers to power up their Pokemon beyond their maximum level cap of 40. In this article, I will share my knowledge and experience on how to effectively use XL Candy in Pokemon Go to maximize the potential of your beloved Pokemon.

Obtaining XL Candy may seem like a daunting task at first, but with the right strategies and dedication, it can be a rewarding endeavor. There are various ways to acquire XL Candy, such as catching Pokemon, hatching eggs, and transferring excess Pokemon. Each of these methods provides different amounts of XL Candy, so it’s important to understand which ones yield the most significant results.

By utilizing these methods and focusing on specific Pokemon species, you can efficiently gather XL Candy and take your Pokemon to unprecedented levels of strength and power. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of XL Candy in Pokemon Go together!

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Key Takeaways

  • XL Candy is a resource in Pokemon Go for powering up Pokemon beyond level 40.
  • XL Candy can be obtained through catching high-level Pokemon, evolving Pokemon, and participating in raids.
  • XL Candy is valuable for powering up Pokemon and unlocking their full potential in battles.
  • Efficient strategies for collecting XL Candy include focusing on Pokemon that require more candy, transferring duplicates, hatching eggs, participating in raids, and trading with friends.

Understanding XL Candy and Its Importance in Pokemon Go

So, you’re wondering how you can make the most of XL Candy in Pokemon Go, huh? Well, let me tell you, it’s a game-changer when it comes to powering up your Pokemon and unlocking their full potential.

XL Candy is a special type of candy that is used to increase a Pokemon’s level beyond the usual cap of level 40. This means that with XL Candy, you can make your Pokemon even stronger and more formidable in battles.


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To get XL Candy, you need to focus on XL candy farming techniques. One of the most effective ways to obtain XL Candy is by catching Pokemon that are already at a high level. When you catch a Pokemon that is at a higher level than your current cap, you have a chance to receive XL Candy as a bonus. So, make sure to keep an eye out for high-level Pokemon in the wild or during events.

Another way to obtain XL Candy is by evolving Pokemon. When you evolve a Pokemon, you will receive XL Candy as a reward. However, the amount of XL Candy you receive depends on the evolution requirements for XL Candy. Some Pokemon require more XL Candy to evolve, while others require less. So, it’s important to strategize and focus on evolving Pokemon that require fewer XL Candy if you want to maximize your gains.

XL Candy is a valuable resource in Pokemon Go that allows you to power up your Pokemon beyond the usual level cap. By using XL candy farming techniques and focusing on evolving Pokemon with lower XL Candy requirements, you can make the most of this resource and strengthen your team for battles.

So, go out there, catch those high-level Pokemon, and evolve strategically to unlock the full potential of your Pokemon!

Obtaining XL Candy in the Game

To get more of those valuable candies that power up your Pokémon, you can earn them by catching and transferring duplicate creatures to Professor Willow. This is a great way to free up space in your Pokémon storage while also gaining XL Candy.


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Here are some tips to help you obtain XL Candy in the game:

  1. Catch Pokémon: The more Pokémon you catch, the higher your chances of obtaining XL Candy. Make sure to catch as many Pokémon as you can, especially the ones you already have duplicates of.

  2. Transfer Duplicate Pokémon: When you have multiple copies of the same Pokémon, transfer them to Professor Willow. Not only will this give you XL Candy, but it will also help you clear up space for more Pokémon.

  3. Participate in Raids: Raid battles are a great way to earn XL Candy. By defeating raid bosses, you have a chance to receive XL Candy as a reward. Make sure to team up with other trainers for higher-level raids and better rewards.

  4. Level Up Using XL Candy: Once you have obtained enough XL Candy for a specific Pokémon, you can use it to level up that Pokémon. This will increase its CP and make it stronger in battles. Be strategic in using your XL Candy and focus on leveling up your most powerful Pokémon.

By following these tips, you can effectively obtain XL Candy and level up your Pokémon in Pokemon Go. Remember to catch as many Pokémon as possible, transfer duplicates, participate in raids, and use XL Candy wisely to enhance your team’s strength.

Using XL Candy to Power Up Your Pokemon

Utilizing XL Candy is the key to unleashing the full potential of your beloved creatures, amplifying their strength and dominance in battles. XL candy is not as common as regular candy, making it coveted among trainers. It can be obtained through various methods such as catching or hatching Pokémon, transferring Pokémon, or by completing certain tasks and challenges. However, XL candy drop rates are relatively low, making it a valuable resource that should be used wisely.

XL candy plays a crucial role in competitive gameplay. As your Pokémon level up with XL candy, their stats increase significantly, giving them an edge in battles. The higher the level, the stronger your Pokémon becomes, allowing them to withstand more damage and deal more powerful attacks. This gives you a strategic advantage when battling against other trainers, as your Pokémon will have higher CP, HP, and overall combat capabilities.

Additionally, using XL candy to power up your Pokémon can also unlock exclusive moves and abilities, further enhancing their battle prowess. So, if you’re aiming to dominate in competitive gameplay, investing your XL candy in your strongest Pokémon is a must.

Strategies for Efficiently Collecting XL Candy

Maximizing your chances of obtaining XL candy in Pokémon Go requires implementing clever strategies and thinking outside the box. Efficient farming is key when it comes to collecting XL candy. Here are some strategies that can help you in your quest for XL candy:

  • Catching Pokémon: Focus on catching Pokémon that have the potential to give XL candy. Pokémon that require more candy to evolve or power up have a higher chance of dropping XL candy when caught. So, keep an eye out for those Pokémon and try to catch as many as you can.

  • Transferring Pokémon: Transferring Pokémon that you don’t need or have duplicates of can also help in obtaining XL candy. When you transfer a Pokémon, you receive candy in return. If the Pokémon you’re transferring has the potential to give XL candy, it can be a great way to increase your collection.

  • Hatching Eggs: Hatching eggs is another efficient way to obtain XL candy. Some Pokémon that hatch from eggs have a higher chance of dropping XL candy. So, make sure to keep hatching those eggs and see if you get lucky.

  • Participating in Raids: Raids can be a great way to collect XL candy. By defeating raid bosses, you can earn XL candy for the Pokémon you used in battle. So, gather a team and start raiding to increase your XL candy stash.

  • Trading Pokémon: Trading Pokémon with friends can also help in obtaining XL candy. When you trade a Pokémon, there’s a chance that you’ll receive XL candy as a bonus. So, make sure to trade with friends and see if you can get some extra XL candy in the process.

Efficient farming and utilizing these strategies can greatly improve your XL candy distribution. Keep in mind that patience and perseverance are key in your quest for XL candy. So, get out there, catch, hatch, battle, and trade to maximize your chances of obtaining XL candy in Pokémon Go.

Maximizing the Performance of Your Pokemon with XL Candy

Enhance your Pokémon’s abilities and reach their full potential by incorporating XL candy into their training regimen. XL candy is a valuable resource that can significantly boost your Pokémon’s Combat Power (CP) and make them even stronger.

To maximize the performance of your Pokémon with XL candy, it’s important to understand how to optimize its usage and focus on CP optimization.

One way to maximize XL candy usage is by targeting Pokémon that have a high potential for growth. Some Pokémon have a higher CP cap than others, meaning they can reach a higher level and have a greater overall strength. By investing XL candy in these Pokémon, you can maximize their CP potential and make them formidable opponents in battles.


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It’s also important to prioritize XL candy usage on Pokémon that you frequently use in raids, gym battles, or PvP battles. By focusing on enhancing the performance of your key Pokémon, you can ensure that they are at their best when it matters the most.

In terms of CP optimization, it’s important to understand the relationship between XL candy and a Pokémon’s level. As a Pokémon levels up, it requires more candy and XL candy to power up further. To optimize CP growth, it’s recommended to power up your Pokémon evenly, rather than focusing on a single level boost. This ensures that you get the most out of your XL candy investment and prevent any potential waste.

Additionally, consider utilizing XL candy in conjunction with other resources such as stardust and regular candy to further optimize your Pokémon’s performance. By strategically utilizing XL candy and focusing on CP optimization, you can maximize the potential of your Pokémon and have a team that is ready for any challenge.

The Benefits of Leveling Up Pokemon Beyond 40

Now that we’ve covered how to maximize the performance of your Pokemon with XL Candy, let’s delve into the exciting world of leveling up your Pokemon beyond level 40. As a seasoned Pokemon trainer, I can attest to the incredible benefits that come with reaching level 50.

First and foremost, reaching level 50 allows your Pokemon to reach their maximum potential. With each level gained, your Pokemon’s base stats increase, making them even stronger and more formidable in battles. This can give you a significant advantage when taking on tough opponents in raids, Gyms, or even in PvP battles.


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Additionally, leveling up your Pokemon beyond 40 unlocks new movesets for them. These exclusive moves can be game-changers, providing your Pokemon with powerful attacks that can turn the tide of a battle in your favor.

One of the key elements in leveling up beyond 40 is the use of XL Candy. XL Candy is a rare resource that is required to power up Pokemon beyond level 40. It can be obtained through various means, such as catching high-level Pokemon, converting regular Candy into XL Candy, or through events and special research tasks. However, XL Candy is not easy to come by, making it even more valuable and rewarding when you do obtain it.

This rarity adds a sense of accomplishment and prestige to leveling up your Pokemon beyond 40, as it showcases your dedication and hard work in obtaining and utilizing XL Candy to its fullest potential. So, if you’re a trainer seeking to push the boundaries of your Pokemon’s strength and unlock their true potential, don’t hesitate to embark on the journey of leveling up beyond 40 with XL Candy.

XL Candy and its Impact on Battles and Raids

Reaching level 50 with your trusty Pokémon brings a whole new level of excitement and power to battles and raids, thanks to the rare and sought-after XL Candy. XL Candy has a significant impact on gym battles and raids, as it allows you to power up your Pokémon beyond their previous limits.

This means that your Pokémon will have higher CP, increased stats, and improved performance in battles. With XL Candy, you can make your Pokémon even stronger, giving you a better chance at victory in intense gym battles and challenging raids.


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To farm XL Candy in Pokemon Go, there are a few strategies you can employ. One of the best ways is to catch as many Pokémon as possible, especially those that are more commonly found. Each catch has a chance of rewarding you with XL Candy, so the more catches you make, the more chances you have of obtaining this valuable resource.

Another method is to participate in raids and earn XL Candy as a reward for completing them. Raids often provide a higher chance of obtaining XL Candy, especially if you manage to defeat and catch the raid boss.

Additionally, you can transfer duplicate Pokémon to Professor Willow, as this will also reward you with XL Candy. By utilizing these methods, you can efficiently farm XL Candy and power up your Pokémon to new heights, greatly enhancing your performance in gym battles and raids.

Tips for Prioritizing XL Candy Usage

When it comes to leveling up your favorite Pokémon, figuring out the best way to prioritize your XL Candy can be a real head-scratcher.

XL Candy is a valuable resource in Pokémon Go that allows you to power up your Pokémon beyond their normal level cap. To optimize XL Candy collection and make the most of this resource, there are a few tips to keep in mind.


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First and foremost, it’s important to prioritize Pokémon that are currently meta-relevant or have the potential to be in the future. These Pokémon are typically strong in battles and raids, and investing XL Candy in them will give you a competitive edge. Research the current meta and identify which Pokémon are commonly used in battles and raids.

Focus on those Pokémon and allocate your XL Candy accordingly. Additionally, consider the type coverage of your Pokémon. Having a well-rounded team with different types can be beneficial in battles. Prioritize XL Candy usage on Pokémon that can cover multiple types and provide versatility in your team.

Another tip for prioritizing XL Candy usage is to focus on Pokémon that have a high base stat total. Pokémon with higher base stats generally have more potential for growth and can become powerful additions to your team. Look for Pokémon that have a high base attack, defense, and stamina stats, as these will contribute to their overall strength.

Additionally, consider the moveset of your Pokémon. Prioritize XL Candy usage on Pokémon that have strong movesets, as this will enhance their performance in battles and raids. By considering the meta relevance, type coverage, base stats, and movesets of your Pokémon, you can effectively prioritize your XL Candy usage and optimize your Pokémon collection.

Trading XL Candy with Friends

To make the most of trading with your friends, have you considered exchanging those valuable XL Candies?


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Trading XL Candies with friends can be a strategic way to maximize your Pokemon’s potential. One trading strategy is to collaborate with your friends to focus on specific Pokemon species. By coordinating with each other, you can trade XL Candies for the Pokemon that you both need to power up. This way, you can efficiently utilize your XL Candies and ensure that they’re being used on Pokemon that’ll benefit your team the most.

Friend collaboration is key when it comes to trading XL Candies. Communicate with your friends to determine which Pokemon everyone’s interested in powering up. This way, you can prioritize trades that’ll benefit multiple players.

For example, if you and your friend both need XL Candies for a specific Legendary Pokemon, you can trade with each other to help each other out. Additionally, make sure to take advantage of the ‘Lucky Friends’ feature, which guarantees a lucky trade when you become lucky friends with someone. This means that the traded Pokemon will have better IVs and require fewer XL Candies to power up.

By working together and sharing XL Candies, you can speed up the process of leveling up your Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can XL Candy be used to evolve Pokemon?

XL candy cannot be directly used to evolve Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Evolution requirements in the game typically involve collecting a certain amount of candy specific to a particular species.


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However, XL candy does have alternative uses that are beneficial for trainers. It can be used to power up Pokémon, increasing their CP and making them stronger in battles. Additionally, XL candy can also be used to level up Pokémon in the new level cap system introduced in Pokémon Go.

This allows trainers to further increase the potential of their Pokémon and unlock new abilities. Therefore, while XL candy cannot be directly used for evolution requirements, it still serves as a valuable resource for enhancing and improving Pokémon in the game.

How many XL Candy does it take to power up a Pokemon?

To power up a Pokémon in Pokémon Go, you need to use XL Candy. The amount of XL Candy required to power up a Pokémon varies depending on the Pokémon’s level and species. Generally, the higher the level of the Pokémon, the more XL Candy it will require to power up.

However, there are some strategies you can use to earn XL Candy faster and maximize its usage. One way to earn XL Candy faster is by catching Pokémon of the same species. Transferring these Pokémon to Professor Willow will reward you with XL Candy specific to that species.

Another strategy is to participate in Raids and catch Raid Bosses, as they have a higher chance of dropping XL Candy. Additionally, walking with your Buddy Pokémon can also earn you XL Candy, so make sure to set your Buddy Pokémon to one that you want to power up.


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By using these strategies and being mindful of the Pokémon you catch, you can earn XL Candy faster and efficiently power up your Pokémon to make them stronger in battles.

Can XL Candy be obtained from raids and battles?

XL candy can be obtained from various sources in Pokemon Go, including raids and battles. When participating in raids, there’s a chance to receive XL candy as a reward upon successfully defeating the raid boss. Additionally, battling in PvP battles and Gym battles can also yield XL candy as a potential reward. It’s worth noting that the amount of XL candy obtained from these sources may vary and isn’t guaranteed every time.

Apart from raids and battles, XL candy can also be obtained through other means such as completing research tasks and field research. These tasks often require players to perform certain actions or achieve specific goals in the game, and as a reward, they can earn XL candy.

So, while raids and battles are indeed potential sources of XL candy, it’s important to explore other avenues like research tasks and field research to maximize your chances of obtaining XL candy.

Is there a limit to how much XL Candy a Pokemon can have?

There is indeed a maximum XL candy limit that a Pokemon can have. Once a Pokemon reaches level 50, it can no longer earn XL candy to increase its level further.


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However, until then, XL candy can be obtained through various methods in order to power up your Pokemon. One efficient way to earn XL candy is by catching Pokemon of the same species. Each catch has a chance of rewarding you with XL candy specific to that Pokemon.

Additionally, you can also obtain XL candy by transferring excess Pokemon of the same species to Professor Willow. Another method is through the use of rare candies, which can be converted into XL candy for a specific Pokemon.

By utilizing these methods strategically, you can earn XL candy efficiently and power up your Pokemon to their maximum potential.

Can XL Candy be traded with other players?

XL candy cannot be directly traded with other players in Pokémon Go. Trading mechanics in Pokémon Go allow players to trade Pokémon, items, and even some forms of candy, such as regular candy. However, XL candy, which is a special type of candy used to power up a Pokémon beyond its normal level cap, cannot be traded.

XL candy holds great significance in Pokémon Go as it is necessary to increase a Pokémon’s level beyond level 40, allowing it to reach its full potential in battles and raids. To obtain XL candy, players need to catch, transfer, or evolve Pokémon, participate in raids, or complete certain research tasks.


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Once obtained, XL candy can be used to power up a Pokémon’s level, enhancing its stats and making it stronger in battles.

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What Are Some Tips for Using XL Candy in Pokemon Go?

Using xl candy effectively in Pokemon Go can be a game-changer. One tip is to prioritize evolving high-level Pokemon since they yield more XL Candy. Another strategy is to focus on catching Pokemon that have boosted XL Candy rewards during special events. By implementing these tips, trainers can optimize their XL Candy usage and power up their Pokemon to new heights.


In conclusion, XL Candy is a valuable resource in Pokemon Go that allows trainers to power up their Pokemon beyond level 40. By collecting XL Candy through various methods such as catching, transferring, and trading Pokemon, trainers can enhance the performance of their beloved creatures in battles and raids. Strategically using XL Candy can make a significant difference in the outcome of these encounters, giving trainers an edge over their opponents.

One interesting statistic to highlight is that it takes a substantial amount of XL Candy to fully power up a Pokemon beyond level 40. For example, to reach level 50, trainers need a staggering 296 XL Candy for a single Pokemon. This emphasizes the rarity and significance of XL Candy, as it requires a dedicated effort to collect enough to bring a Pokemon to its maximum potential. It becomes a crucial aspect of a trainer’s journey to become a master in Pokemon Go.

As experienced trainers know, using XL Candy wisely is essential. Prioritizing which Pokemon to power up and focusing on obtaining XL Candy for those specific species can greatly impact a trainer’s success in battles and raids. By investing time and effort into collecting XL Candy and choosing the right Pokemon to power up, trainers can create a formidable team that will dominate the Pokemon Go world.

In conclusion, XL Candy is a game-changer in Pokemon Go. It allows trainers to go beyond the traditional level cap of 40 and maximize the potential of their Pokemon. With a dedicated effort to collect XL Candy and strategic usage, trainers can create a powerful team that will leave opponents in awe. So, go out there, catch, transfer, and trade to gather XL Candy, and watch as your Pokemon reach new heights of strength and prowess.


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Let the journey to becoming a Pokemon master begin!

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Aiko( Editor in Chief )

Hi, I’m Aiko. I love all things sweet, which is why I started Candy Artisans. I know everything there is to know about candy and sweets, and I’m always keeping up with the latest news and trends. I want to share my passion for deliciousness with everyone, so come on over and join the fun!

How to Make Soft Peppermint Candy - Candy Artisans (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.