ベストな準備プランSPLK-1004試験2024年最新のSplunk Core Certified User無制限72問題 [Q31-Q54] (2024)

ベストな準備プランSPLK-1004試験2024年最新のSplunk Core Certified User無制限72問題 [Q31-Q54] (1)

ベストな準備プランSPLK-1004試験2024年最新のSplunk Core Certified User無制限72問題 [Q31-Q54] (2)

ベストな準備プランSPLK-1004試験2024年最新のSplunk Core Certified User無制限72問題



質問 # 31
Which commands should be used in place of a subsearch if possible?

  • A. mvexpand and/or where
  • B. bin and/or where
  • C. stats and/or eval
  • D. untable and/or xyseries


Using stats and/or eval commands in place of a subsearch is often recommended for performance optimization in Splunk searches. Subsearches can be resource-intensive and slow, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex search operations. The stats command is versatile and can be used for aggregation, summarization, and calculation of data, often achieving the same goals as a subsearch but more efficiently.
The eval command is used for field calculations and conditional evaluations, allowing for the manipulation of search results without the need for a subsearch. These commands, when used effectively, can reduce the processing load and improve the speed of searches.

質問 # 32
What is the recommended way to create a field extraction that is both persistent and precise?

  • A. Use the erex command.
  • B. Use the Field Extractor and let it automatically generate a regular expression.
  • C. Use the Field Extractor and manually edit the generated regular expression.
  • D. Use the rex command.


質問 # 33
When using a nested search macro, how can an argument value be passed to the inner macro?

  • A. The argument value may be passed to the outer macro.
  • B. An argument cannot be used with an outer nested macro.
  • C. The argument value must be specified in the outer macro.
  • D. An argument cannot be used with an inner nested macro.


When using a nested search macro in Splunk, an argument value can be passed to the inner macro by specifying the argument in the outer macro's invocation (Option A). This allows the outer macro to accept arguments from the user or another search command and then pass those arguments into the inner macro, enabling dynamic and flexible macro compositions that can adapt based on input parameters.

質問 # 34
Which of the following are potential string results returned by the type of function?

  • A. True, False, Unknown
  • B. Number, Siring, Bool
  • C. Field, Value, Lookup
  • D. Number, String, Null


The typeof function in Splunk returns a string that represents the data type of the evaluated expression. The potential string results include "Number", "String", and "Null" (Option C). These indicate whether the evaluated expression is a numerical value, a string, or a null value, respectively, helping users understand the data types they are working with in their searches andscripts.

質問 # 35
How can the erex and rex commands be used in conjunction to extract fields?

  • A. The regex Generated by the erex command can be edited and used with the regex command in a subsequent search.
  • B. The regex generated by the erex command can be edited and used with the erex command in a subsequent search.
  • C. The regex generated by the rex command can be edited and used with the erex command in a subsequent search.
  • D. The erex and rex commands cannot be used in conjunction under any circ*mstances.


The erex command in Splunk is used to generate regular expressions based on example data, and these generated regular expressions can then be edited and utilized with the rex command in subsequent searches (Option A). The erex command is helpful for users who may not be familiar with regular expression syntax, as it provides a starting point that can be refined and customized with rex for more precise field extraction.

質問 # 36
What is the correct hierarchy of XML elements in a dashboard panel?

  • A. <panel><row><dashboard>
  • B. <panel><dashboard><row>
  • C. <dashboard><row><panel>
  • D. <dashboard><panel><row>


In a Splunk dashboard, the correct hierarchy of XML elements for a dashboard panel is
<dashboard><row><panel> (Option B). A Splunk dashboard is defined within the <dashboard> element.
Within this, <row> elements are used to organize the layout into rows, and each <panel> element within a row defines an individual panel that can contain visualizations, searches, or other content. This hierarchical structure allows for organized and customizable layouts of dashboard elements, facilitating clear presentation of data and analyses. The other options provided do not represent the correct hierarchical order for defining dashboard panels in Splunk's XML dashboard syntax.

質問 # 37
What is one way to troubleshoot dashboards?

  • A. Run the | previous_searches command to troubleshoot your SPL queries.
  • B. Delete the dashboard and start over.
  • C. Create an HTML panel using tokens to verify that they are being set.
  • D. Go to the Troubleshooting dashboard of me Searching and Reporting app.


To troubleshoot dashboards in Splunk, one effective approach is to go to the Troubleshooting dashboard of the Search & Reporting app (Option B). This dashboard provides insights into the performance and potential issues of other dashboards and searches, offering a centralized place to diagnose and address problems. This method allows for a structured approach to troubleshooting, leveraging built-in tools and reports to identify and resolve issues.

質問 # 38
How is a muitlvalue Add treated from product-"a, b, c, d"?

  • A. . . . | makemv delim{product, ","}
  • B. . . . | makemv delim="," product
  • C. . . . | mvexpand product
  • D. . . . | eval mvexpand{makemv{product, ","})


To treat a multivalue field product="a, b, c, d" in Splunk, the correct command is ...| makemv delim="," product (Option D).The makemv command with the delim argument specifies the delimiter (in this case, a comma) to split the field values into a multivalue field. This allows for easier manipulation and analysis of each value within the product field as separate entities.

質問 # 39
Which of the following is an event handler action?

  • A. Run an eval statement based on a user clicking a value on a form.
  • B. Cancel all jobs based on the number of search job results captured.
  • C. Pass a token from a drilldown to modify index settings.
  • D. Set a token to select a value from the time range picker.


An event handler action in Splunk is an action that is triggered based on user interaction with dashboard elements. Running an eval statement based on a user clicking a value on a form (Option A) is an example of an event handler action. This capability allows dashboards to be interactive and dynamic, responding to user inputs or actions to modify displayed data, visuals, or other elements in real-time.

質問 # 40
Which of the following is accurate about cascading inputs?

  • A. Inputs added to panels can not participate.
  • B. They can be reset by an event handler.
  • C. The final input has no impact on previous inputs.
  • D. Only the final input of the sequence can supply a token to searches.


Cascading inputs in Splunk dashboards allow the selection in one input (like a dropdown, radio button, etc.) to determine the available options in the subsequent input, creating a dependent relationship between them. An event handler can be configured to reset subsequent inputs based on the selection made in a preceding input (Option A), ensuring that only relevant options are presented to the user as they make selections. This approach enhances the dashboard's usability by guiding the user through a logical flow of choices, where each selection refines the scope of the following options.

質問 # 41
When using the bin command, which argument sets the bin size?

  • A. span
  • B. volume
  • C. mazDataSizeMB
  • D. max


When using the bin command in Splunk, the span argument is used to set the size of each bin (Option D). The span argument determines the granularity or width of each bin when segmenting data over a time range or numerical field, which is essential for time series analysis, histogram generation, or other aggregated data visualizations.

質問 # 42
What command is used la compute find write summary statistic, to a new field in the event results?

  • A. eventstats
  • B. stats
  • C. tstats
  • D. transaction


The eventstats command in Splunk is used to compute and add summary statistics to all events in the search results, similar to the stats command, but without grouping the results into a single event(Option C). This command adds the computed summary statistics as new fields to each event, allowing those fields to be used in subsequent search operations or for display purposes. Unlike the transaction command, which groups events into transactions, eventstats retains individual events while enriching them with statistical information.

質問 # 43
What are the four types of event actions?

  • A. eval, link, set, and unset
  • B. stats, target, set, and unset
  • C. eval, link, change, and clear
  • D. stats, target, change, and clear


The four types of event actions in Splunk are eval, link, change, and clear (Option C). These actions can be used in dashboard panel configurations to dynamically interact with or manipulate event data based on user inputs or other criteria. Eval is used for calculating fields, link for creating hyperlinks, change for modifying field values, and clear for removing field values or other data elements.

質問 # 44
When would a distributable streaming command be executed on an Indexer?

  • A. If all preceding search commands are executed on the Indexer.
  • B. If all preceding search commands are executed on me indexer, and a streamstats command is used.
  • C. If some of the preceding search commands are executed on the indexer, and a Timerchart command is used.
  • D. If any of the preceding search commands are executed on the search head.


A distributable streaming command would be executed on an indexer if all preceding search commands are executed on the indexer (Option C). Distributable streaming commands are designed to be executed where the data resides, reducing data transfer across the network and leveraging the processing capabilities of indexers.
This enhances the overall efficiency and performance of Splunk searches, especially in distributed environments.

質問 # 45
What arguments are required when using the spath command?

  • A. input, output path
  • B. input, output, index
  • C. field, host, source
  • D. No arguments are required.


質問 # 46
How can a lookup be referenced in an alert?

  • A. Upload a lookup file directly to the alert.
  • B. Use the lookup dropdown in the alert configuration window.
  • C. Follow a lookup with an alert command in the search bar.
  • D. Run a search that uses a lookup and save as an alert.


To reference a lookup in an alert in Splunk, you would run a search that uses a lookup and then save that search as an alert (Option C). This method integrates the lookup within the search logic, and when the search conditions meet the alert's trigger conditions, the alert is activated. This approach allows the alert to leverage the enriched data provided by the lookup for more accurate and informative alerting.

質問 # 47
Which predefined drilldown token passes a clicked value from a table row?

  • A. $rowclick. <fieldname>$
  • B. $table .< fieldname>$
  • C. $row. <fieldname>$
  • D. $tableclick .< fieldname>$


The predefined drilldown token that passes a clicked value from a table row in Splunk dashboards is
$row.<fieldname>$ (Option A). This token syntax is used within the drilldown configuration of a dashboard panel to capture the value of a specific field from a row where the user clicks. This value can then be passed to another dashboard panel or used within the same panel to dynamically update the content based on the user's interaction, enhancing the interactivity and relevance of dashboard data presentations.

質問 # 48
Which of the following can be used to access external lookups?

  • A. Python and binary executable
  • B. Perl and binary executable
  • C. Python and Ruby
  • D. Perl and Python


Splunk supports the use of external lookups, which can be scripts or binary executables that enrich search results with external data. These external lookups can be written in various scripting languages or compiled as binary executables. Among the options given, Python and binary executables (Option D) are commonly used for creating external lookups in Splunk. Python is a widely used programming language that can easily interact with Splunk's API and data structures, and binary executables can be used for more complex or performance-critical lookup operations. Perl and Ruby (Options A and B) are less commonly used in this context, and Perl combined with binary executables (Option C) is not as standard for Splunk external lookups as Python.

質問 # 49
Which of the following has a schema or structure embedded in the data itself?

  • A. Self-describing data
  • B. Dark data
  • C. Unstructured data
  • D. Embedded data


Self-describing data (Option D) refers to data that includes information about its own structure or schema within the data itself. This characteristic makes it easier to understand and process the data because the structure and meaning of the data are embedded with the data, reducing the need for external definitions or mappings. Examples of self-describing data formats include JSON and XML, where elements and attributes describe the data they contain.

質問 # 50
Which is a regex best practice?

  • A. Use greedy operators (. *) instead of non-greedy operators (. *? ).
  • B. Avoid backtracking.
  • C. Use complex expressions rather than simple ones.
  • D. Use * rather than +.


In regex (regular expressions), one of the best practices is to avoid backtracking when possible. Backtracking occurs when the regex engine revisits previous parts of the input string to attempt different permutations of the pattern, which can significantly degrade performance, especially with complex patterns on large inputs.
Designing regex patterns to minimize or avoid backtracking can lead to more efficient and faster evaluations.

質問 # 51
Where can wildcards be used in the tstats command?

  • A. In the from clause.
  • B. No wildcards can be used with
  • C. In the where to clause.
  • D. In the by clause.


Wildcards can be used in the from clause of the tstats command in Splunk (Option C). The from clause specifies the data model or dataset from which to retrieve the statistics, and using wildcards here allows users to query across multiple data models or datasets that share a common naming pattern, making the search more flexible and encompassing.

質問 # 52
What type of drilldown passes a value from a user click into another dashboard or external page?

  • A. Event
  • B. Contextual
  • C. Visualization
  • D. Dynamic


Contextual drilldown (Option D) is the type of drilldown that allows passing a value from a user click (e.g., from a table row or chart element) into another dashboard or an external page. This feature enables the creation of interactive dashboards where clicking on a specific element dynamically updates another part of the dashboard or navigates to a different page with relevant information, using the clicked value as a context for the subsequent view.

質問 # 53
Which of these generates a summary index containing a count of events by productId?

  • A. | stats count by productId
  • B. | stats sum (productId)
  • C. sistats summary_index by productid
  • D. | sistats count by productId


To generate a summary index containing a count of events by productId, the correct search command would be | stats count by productId (Option A). This command aggregates the events by productId, counting the number of events for each unique productId value. The stats command is a fundamental Splunk command used for aggregation and summarization, making it suitable for creating summary data like counts by specific fields.

質問 # 54

SPLK-1004認定試験は、50個の多肢選択問題から成る60分のオンライン試験です。試験は複数の言語で利用可能で、Pearson VUEテストセンターまたはオンラインで受験できます。試験はオープンブックであり、候補者は公式のSplunkドキュメントやその他の参考資料を試験中に使用することができます。


ベストな準備プランSPLK-1004試験2024年最新のSplunk Core Certified User無制限72問題 [Q31-Q54] (2024)
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